Intro to Conjoint Experiments | Exercise - 1
1 Environment preparation
# ### Data import ###
# install.packages("readr") # read datasets
# install.packages("qualtRics") # read qualtrics datasets
# install.packages("here") # absolute path management
# ### Data manipulation ###
# install.packages("dplyr") # pipes and data manipulation
# ### Visualization ###
# install.packages("ggplot2") # graphing capabilities
# ### Estimation ###
# install.packages("cjoint") # base amce package
# install.packages("cregg") # amce and mm
# install.packages("factorEx") # amce with non-uniform distribution
## Custom build functions
# library(devtools)
# install_github("albertostefanelli/cjoint") # fixes some problem with cjoint
### Data import ###
### Data manipulation ###
### Visualization ###
### Estimation ###
2 Data
We are going to use the data from Kirkland, Patricia A; Coppock, Alexander, 2017, “Replication Data for: Candidate Choice Without Party Labels: New Insights from Conjoint Survey Experiments”,
3 Codebook
The data has no codebook so we need to load it and understand how it is structured.
4 Exercise 1
- Load the data
- What’s the sample size?
- What the variable contest_no refers to?
- How can the respondent-varying characteristics can be identified?
- Do we have any info on the ‘quality’ of the data?
- What’s the main difference between how the data is organized here and the one presented in the Lab 1?
<- readr::read_csv("") kc_data